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The Stichting Kinderpostzegels Netherland (SKN)

Foundation for Children’s Welfare Stamps Netherlands

The stichting kinderpostzegels Nederland – SKN (Foundation for Children’s Welfare Stamp Netherlands) is concerned with raising and allocating funds for the benefit of children under the age of 18 in the Netherlands and abroad. Physically, mentally or socially handicapped children constitute out target group. SKN considers projects from organisations irrespective of race, religion or political conviction.



SKN raises funds by selling special stamps and greeting cards. Every year the Dutch Postal Service issues a series of children’s stamps. These stamps are a little more expensive than regular stamps. The surcharge is transferred to SKN. The first children’s stamps were issued in 1924. Since 1948 a substantial part of the door-to-door sale has been done by schoolchildren.


With the proceeds of the children’s welfare stamps campaign SKN finance hundreds of projects each year, both in and outside the Netherlands. These projects are set up to improve the position of disadvantaged children. The main point is that all children should have equal opportunities to grow up and become independent adults with a respected place in society. Where this opportunity is at stake, the SKN tries to help.



SKN does not have its own offices outside the Netherlands. However, a network of international contacts has been built up. SKN has frequent contacts with other organisations in and outside the Netherlands which work with children, including Dutch co-financing organisations like Novib, Cordaid, Hivos and lcco and international organisations like Defense for Children International.


Third World Countries: criteria and application procedure


Criteria for granting funds

Applications for financial support are submitted to independent committees of experts. The committees consider whether the project proposal meets the criteria as stipulated by SKN. The most important issues in this context are:


Disadvantaged children

SKN is concerned with groups of children living under difficult conditions or children running risks. This may be because of a handicap or on account of social circumstances or limitations in their own environment. The projects that receive financial aid from SKN are therefore, mostly focused on:

Physically and/or mentally handicapped children.

Street and working children.

Children who are victims of abuse, violence, exploitation and/or discrimination.


Children’s rights

SKN endorses the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Children should be taken seriously and, if possible, be involved in the preparation and execution of projects that are concerned with their welfare. The participation of children in these projects is important, because only then the focus of attention will really be directed at their interest.


All applications for financial support .SKN must regard projects that revolve around the child. Children constitute the group that is most at risk in society and the group that can least defend itself. SKN, however, is not in favour of an institutional approach to the problems of children. Institutional care should only be provided in cases where there is no alternative and only as a temporary measure.


Local support

SKN prefers to support projects which are initiated by local communities. Local people are the best judges of the situation and they can see to the integration of the project into the heart of local society. Therefore, SKN values the training of local personnel, social workers and staff members.


Short-term support

SKN prefers to support starting projects, thus providing the opportunity to prove that there is sufficient demand for the facilities offered. The total period of support is limited, as the project should not remain dependent on external financial support.


Ineligible projects

SKN does not fund projects in the field of:

Research and curative medicine.

Formal education, orphanages and means of transport (unless specifically).

Intended for handicapped children).

The cost of clothing, food and medication.

Emergency aid, for instance in case of a natural disaster.

Setting up pre-school centres for children from 0-6 years of age.



All organisations that receive funds are required to keep SKN informed about the project through progress reports. These reports serve to check the use of the funds made available by SKN and to evaluate SKN’s policy on allocation.


Application procedure

Within SKN a committee of experts in the field of international aid and child care has been established. Applications for support are submitted to this committee. Your proposal should address all topics listed in the application checklist.


Application checklist for Third World Countries

In your request for financial support, please address all topics mentioned in this checklist. A correct and complete proposal ensures a swift procedure and a timely reaction to your request. You can print this checklist.


  1. Organisation requesting financial support

Please state:

Name, Address, Postal Code, Municipality, Country

Contact Person

Telephone and fax number

E-mail address


Should the organisation responsible for the execution of the project not be the same as the applicant, please state the name of the executing organisation State the legal position of the applicant in the country where the project will be executed.


Describe the background the purpose of the organisation.

State the name, address, account and SWIFT code of the bank to which money should be transferred.


  1. Project

Please state :

The name of the project

The geographic location of the project

The social-economic situation of the area/region where the project will be executed

Describe the project:

Aim of the project

The number of children which will benefit from the project.

The general situation, reasons and needs for the execution of the project.

What do you want to achieve ?

Is this project part of another project that is already operation. If so, describe its results so far.

Are there any long-term-plans with respect to the project for which you are requesting funds ?

Are there similar projects which have been carried out by the applicant or other people in the same region ? If so, what were the results ?

Which operational measures have been taken to prepare for the project ?

(e.g. existing buildings, detailed planning, cadre formation, equipment, etc.)

What staff is needed; is personnel available for this project ? (professional experience, qualifications etc.)

Are volunteers involved in the project ? If so, how many and what is their role ?

What are the contacts with (representatives of) the target group ? How do they participate in the decision-making process ?

How much time will the realisation of the project take and when do you expect the project to be completely executed ?

Who is responsible for the project ?


  1. Costs

Please attach a copy of your most recent annual financial report.

Please State:

The total budget for the project; attach a detailed budget.

The applicant’s resources for the execution of the project, apart from the running costs. This should include an estimate of the approximate value of land, buildings, livestock etc.

The amount of money that is requested from SKN; specify for which part of the budget.

If the applicant has also asked for assistance from other organisations (including authorities)

than SKN, please state their names and the reactions that have been received and/or may reasonably be expected ?

Indicate the running costs for the project during the first years; state the method and sources of financing that will guarantee the continuation of the project.


  1. Additional

The applicant must guarantee that, incase the requested assistance is allocated, regular reports about the progress of the project will be sent to the SKN.


List of enclosures.

Send signed and dated applications to:

Stichting Kinderpostzegels Nederland/Foundation for Children’s Welfare Stamps

Schipholweg 73/75




For more information please contact :


Stitching Kinderpostzegels Nederland

Schiphoivveg 73 / 75



Tel: 0031-71-525 9800

Fax: 0031-71-5130147

E-mail: [email protected] , [email protected]
